加入SBAM和蓝十字,参加四个系列的网络研讨会,了解新的产品和服务解决方案,这将有助于您发展和维护您的业务. Topics will include agent services, small business advocacy updates, 和创新, affordable product offerings. 发现与SBAM合作的优势,为保险代理人提供一个完整的员工福利包,这是高效和无麻烦的.
成为一名保险代理人可以让你感到充实,并为你创造大量的机会. It can also be a lot to manage. New hires 和 terminations to your customer’s group 保险 plans, 合规, 索赔, 工资, 这样的例子不胜枚举. 有太多的框需要检查,有太多的线需要连接,给错误留下了很大的空间,让你的生活充满压力.
But what if you had a partner, who could help you make sure everything was in order 和 running smoothly? sam会员服务团队为我们的会员处理许多行政和客户服务事务,这样您就可以专注于重要的事情-您的客户.
Our team of experts brings harmony to your customers’ employee benefits, 保险, 合规 和 human resources. 联络我们: membercare@xaydungtietkiem.com or (877) 949-7226 today for the solutions you’re searching for!
We can h和le all OneSource® administration for you!
作为健康和生命代理人, 依靠sam会员服务团队,您可以节省时间并专注于您最擅长的事情. 我们的团队通过我们的新代理服务模式为您提供高效和无忧的解决方案,以管理您的垃圾邮件赞助团体-无需额外费用.
From OneSource® 新业务 quoting to group maintenance 和 benefit changes, our team has got you covered. 所有的服务要求都可以通过我们方便易用的SBAM服务门户网站轻松提交, 让您简化工作流程,为客户提供最佳服务.
- Make sure you have an active account in the 垃圾邮件服务门户.
- 要求SBAM与您的机构之间的合同协议副本,以便SBAM成员关怀团队访问您的BCBSM/BCN机构门户.
- 在SBAM服务门户中提交一个票证,并选择“代理服务模式”上传您签署的合同协议.
- Give SBAM delegated authority within your Blue Cross Agent Portal.
SBAM宣传册 & 形式
你需要的一切注册和服务你的SBAM客户,包括迪尔伯恩, 眼镜蛇管理, 和 Section 125 administration. 我们的解决方案提供经济实惠的选择,帮助他们吸引和留住人才,并保持合规.
生活 & 残疾保险
迪尔伯恩人寿保险公司的团体人寿和伤残保险产品, 哪些是与密歇根蓝十字蓝盾公司合作提供的特殊福利
如果你是迪尔伯恩人寿保险公司的代理人, 请填写 W9形式 和 代理人委任表格. Send both completed forms to GSB_Commissions@groupspecialtybenefits.com 和 linnea.keeney@xaydungtietkiem.com. If you have any questions, please contact Linnea.
收到SBAM赞助的迪尔伯恩人寿保险公司团体人寿和伤残保险的报价,请使用我们的 引用的工具 or email the SBAM enrollment 和 billing team directly at MemberCare@xaydungtietkiem.com.
New 综合评级选项 for SBAM Members
SBAM现在为参加我们赞助的健康计划的公司提供综合评级选择. A 复合率 provides a single premium rate for all enrollees in the group, offering a fair 和 equitable opportunity for all employees. This approach simplifies the premium-setting process for group health 保险, making it easier for employers to manage 和 predict costs.
Valuable product solutions with simple 和 efficient quoting, enrollment 和 billing that makes it easy for you 和 your customers!
- Exclusive consolidated billing 发票.
- sam在线服务门户 for communicating with our 成员护理 team.
- Free OneSource® administration 为您的SBAM客户.
- Quoting, underwriting, 索赔, 和 enrollment for Dearborn 生活 和 Disability.
- 综合评级 option that makes it simple for employers to manage 和 predict 保险 costs.
- 遵循资源 包括工作场所海报, 就业筛选, 手册, Legal services 和 Summary Plan Description.
- Pooled Employer Retirement Plan 使代理商有机会获得额外收入,并为您的客户降低风险和省钱.
我们爱我们的代理人! And to show our gratitude, we have the 名人堂 program to reward you for all of your hard work. Discover all the perks you 和 your agency receive:
- Free VIP level SBAM membership
- Discounted Non-Blue 和 Non-Sponsored COBRA rates
- Social media promotion for your Agency
- Website recognition for your Agency
- Included in our Lead Distribution program
- Small Business Briefing interview with Brian Calley
- Lunch for you 和 your staff
〇新业务 100个或更多的BCBSM/BCN合同,加上COBRA、Dearborn、BCBSM/BCN的三条保险线.
续期业务 200 or more BCBSM/BCN Contracts.
您的客户只需将他们的基本计划信息与我们提供的法律页面相结合,SPD文件就可以分发给所有投保的员工. Their company will be compliant with the rules 和 regulations of the DOL.
您客户的个人COBRA协调员会发送所有必要的信件和通知, provides a monthly activity report 和 online access to their account, 和 collects premium payments from the COBRA-enrolled beneficiaries.
Flexible Spending Administration
With the cost of health 保险 continuing to rise, 大多数雇主要求他们的雇员通过保费分担分担健康保险的费用, 免赔额和共同保险. With SBAM’s flexible benefit plan administration in place, both your customer 和 their employees save through tax-preferred methods.
当您的客户以高级、VIP或精英级别会员的身份加入SBAM时,他们可以访问我们的 向专家请教 web portal for answers to all their Cybersecurity, HR 和 Legal Questions. 我们的合作伙伴, SensCy, American Society of Employers 和 Taylor English Law, are trusted experts that be relied on for accurate, 及时的信息.
SBAM提供 复合率 option for our members enrolled in our sponsored health plan. 而不是根据一个群体的年龄为每个成员分配个人费率, 性别, 还有其他因素, a 复合率 provides a single premium rate for all members of the group, offering a fair 和 equitable opportunity for all employees.
计费 & 招生
sam为我们赞助的蓝十字蓝盾处理所有的帐单和登记, 蓝色医疗网络和迪尔伯恩人寿保险公司通过我们在兰辛办公室的内部成员医疗团队提供保险.
The SBAM 会员关怀小组 will assist you with quoting, 新业务, 政策, 修改和取消, 代理佣金, 以及现场支持. 您的小团体客户可以玛雅吧2APP帮助他们解决所有的保险需求.
如果您要将客户现有的蓝十字或BCN保险改为由sbam赞助的小型团体健康计划, 您需要通过您的在线OneSource代理帐户向BCBSM提交一份滚转信.
SBAM’s Accident Fund program provides an upfront 5% premium discount, 和 the program is dividend eligible. 分红资格仅仅意味着如果我们赚取的保费与支付的索赔的比较处于合适的范围内, 然后你就能拿回钱. 我们很高兴地告诉您,我们的注册会员今年将收到2%的股息!
通过事故基金提供的折扣工人补偿率和股息计划是sam如何的一个很好的例子, 和 the buying power of our thous和s of members from across Michigan, 能使你的公司受益. 你收到的节省远远超过你为sam年度会员支付的费用.
Pooled Employer Retirement Plan
Take a look at our Pooled Employed Retirement Plan powered by TAG 资源, 泛美, 和格雷斯通咨询公司, 摩根士丹利的一项业务. 该计划具有成本效益,并将雇主管理和责任外包. We’ve negotiated exclusive savings for our members including:
- 如果企业建立了自动登记的退休计划,三年里每年可额外获得500美元的抵免.
- 没有初始设置费用.
- Start up plans may be eligible for up to $5,000 tax credit to cover the TAG annual administrative fee (for 3 years).